Official 2014 Latest Adobe 9A0-150 Dump Free Download(81-90)!

You’ve used the Custom Shape Tool to create a vector shape layer. You want the shape to have a soft, blurry edge, but you want to be able to edit the vector paths later. What should you do?

A.    While the Vector Mask thumbnail is selected in the Layers panel, adjust the Feather slider in the
Masks panel.
B.    While the Layer thumbnail is selected in the Layers panel, choose Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.
C.    While the Layer thumbnail is selected in the Layers panel, choose Select > Modify > Feather.
D.    While the Vector Mask thumbnail is selected in the Layers panel, choose Edit > Free Transform,
and then choose Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.

Answer: A

You’ve created a shape layer and would like to alter the curves that make up the shape without rasterizing the mask. Which techniques allow you to accomplish this? (Choose two.)

A.    Use the Direct Selection tool.
B.    Choose Edit > Transform Path > Distort.
C.    Use the Path Selection tool.
D.    Choose a filter from the Filter > Distort menu.
E.    Choose Edit > Puppet Warp.

Answer: AB

You have the Mixer Brush tool selected in the Tools panel. What does the Wet slider in the options bar control?

A.    How much paint the brush picks up from the canvas
B.    How much of the foreground color the brush uses
C.    How much of the background color the brush uses
D.    How much the brush tip is cleaned after each stroke

Answer: A

Bristle Tip brush tips work with which tools? (Choose two.)

A.    Mixer Brush tool
B.    Dodge tool
C.    The Gradient tool
D.    The Pen tool
E.    The Healing Brush tool

Answer: AB

You want to fill an area of your CMYK image with a process color equivalent of a color from a
Pantone swatch book. Which Photoshop features help you do this? (Choose two.)

A.    Choose New Spot Channel from the Channels panel menu, click the color icon and choose a color
from the Select Channel Color dialog box.
B.    Choose Select > Color Range and select the Localized Color Clusters checkbox.
C.    Click the foreground color picker then click the Color Libraries button in the Color Picker.
D.    Choose a library of swatches presets from the Swatches panel menu then click the color in the panel.
E.    Choose Lab sliders from the Color panel menu and then choose a color in the panel.

Answer: CD

You want to sample a color from a website to use as the foreground color in Photoshop. You have the website visible in a web browser and both the web browser and Photoshop are visible on your screen. What should you do?

A.    Click and hold with the Eyedropper tool in the Photoshop document window, drag from there to your
web browser, and release your mouse over the color you want.
B.    Select the Eyedropper tool, then hold the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac OS) as you click
on the color in the web browser.
C.    Select the Eyedropper tool, then hold the Shift key as you click on the color in the web browser.
D.    Select the Color Sampler tool, then click on the color you want in the Web browser.

Answer: A

You want to apply a Shadows/Highlights adjustment to a layer in your document. You want to be able to change the adjustment without causing further degredation to the image later. You have selected the layer selected. What should you do to prepare the image, before you choose the command Image > Adjustments > Shadows/Highlights? (Choose two.)

A.    Choose Filter > Convert for Smart Filters.
B.    Duplicate the layer, and select the duplicate layer.
C.    Choose Convert to Smart Object from the Layers panel menu.
D.    Click the Add a Mask button at the bottom of the Layers panel.
E.    Click Brightness/Contrast in the Adjustments panel to add a new Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer.

Answer: AC

You’ve applied a filter to a layer as a Smart Filter. Now you want to reduce the strength of that filter’s effect. How can you do that? (Choose two.)

A.    Double-click the Edit Blending Options icon in the Layers panel, and adjust the opacity.
B.    Choose the filter from the Filter menu and adjust the values to the desired strength.
C.    Double-click the name of the Smart Filter in the Layers panel, and adjust the filter options.
D.    Select the Smart Filter in the Layers panel, and choose Edit > Fade.
E.    Select the layer in the Layers panel, and adjust the Opacity slider.

Answer: AC

You have the Gradient Tool selected. You want to draw a gradient in your image and set the transparency level at a particular point in the gradient. What should you do?

A.    Add a new layer, draw the gradient on the new layer, and set the opacity of the layer.
B.    Change the value in the Opacity field of the Options bar before drawing the gradient.
C.    Click on the gradient in the Options bar to open the Gradient Editor dialog box, click just above the
gradient bar and change the value in the Opacity field.
D.    Click on the gradient in the Options bar to open the Gradient Editor dialog box, double-click on a color
stop below the gradient bar, and adjust the color in the color picker.

Answer: C

You plan on filling a layer with a noise gradient. The initial gradient you create in the Gradient Editor has too many overly saturated colors. What can you do in the Gradient Editor to reduce the
saturation of colors in the gradient?

A.    Change the Roughness setting.
B.    Select the Restrict Colors option.
C.    Change the Color Model pop-up menu to LAB
D.    Select the Add Transparency option.

Answer: B

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