Which service property does an Event Subscriber need to subscribe to an Event Handler in the OSGi Event Admin service?
A. event.type
C. event.title
D. event.topic
Answer: D
Which xtype should you use if you want to reuse a part of a dialog in another dialog?
A. browsedialog.
B. tabpanel.
C. cqinclude.
D. referencesdialog.
Answer: C
How can you replicate to a specific agent using the CQ Replicator interface?
A. With the Replicator method replicateToAgent().
B. The object ReplicationOptions contains a method replicateToAgent and you need to pass the ReplicationOptions object as a parameter to the replicate() method of the Replicator class.
C. You need to create a Filter in the ReplicatorOptions object and set the agent that will replicate.
Then you pass the ReplicatorOptions object to the replicate() method of the Replicator class.
D. You cannot replicate to a specific Agent.
Answer: C
You want to change the configuration of a bundle during runtime in the repository. Which location has the highest priority?
A. <cq-installation-dir>/crx-quickstart/launchpad/config/* on the local file system
B. /apps/*/config/*
C. /libs/*/config/*
D. /etc/design/config/*
Answer: B
In your CQ Component script you want to read a property value which has been created with a design dialog. How can you get the value?
A. String data = properties.get(propertyName,””);
B. String data = currentNode.getStyleProperty(propertyName,””);
C. String data = currentPage.getStyleProperty(propertyName,””);
D. String data = currentStyle.get(propertyName,””);
Answer: D
You have created two templates, tempA and tempB. In the property allowedChildren of tempA you include tempB. You create a pageA based on tempA and add a property cq:allowedTemplates with a list of templates, but excluding tempB. Can you select tempB to create a page as child of pageA?
A. Yes, because the allowedChildren property has precedence over cq:allowedTemplates.
B. No, tempB needs to be added to the property cq:allowedTemplates of pageA to accomplish that.
C. No, tempA needs to be added to the property allowedParents of tempB to accomplish that.
D. Yes, because property allowedChildren is checked only if property allowedParents is present.
Answer: B
You want to create a page with the CQ PageManager. The parent path does NOT yet exist. Which template is assigned to the parent pages?
A. None. An exception is thrown because the path doesn’t exist.
B. The parent pages will be created but no template will be assigned.
C. The parent pages will be created with the same template as defined for the new page.
D. None. Nodes of node type cq:Page are created for the parent path.
Answer: A
What is the most significant difference between the Edit and the Design mode?
A. Sidekick is expanded and minimized respectively
B. In Design mode authors can enter content to modify the design of the page
C. Content edited in Edit mode is saved to the current page, content edited in Design mode is saved to the design settings assigned to the current page
D. The Edit mode is mainly used by regular authors while the Design mode is mainly used by super authors
Answer: C
You create a custom workflow process using the CQ API. Which method or methods needs to be implemented when your class implements the WorkflowProcess Interface?
A. start(), execute(), end().
B. start(), process(), end().
C. execute().
D. process().
Answer: C
You want to configure two hostnames pointing to two different site structures in the same CQ instance. Which configuration must be set in the Apache Web server?
A. You have to create two dispatcher.any configuration files one for each hostname and include the
two file paths to the httpd.conf file.
B. You have to create a port forwarding configuration in the httpd.conf file to handle the two hostnames.
C. You have to create two VirtualHost entries and in each entry specify the rewrite rule to each site
structure for each host.
D. You have to load the Dispatcher module twice in the httpd.conf and name it with the two hostnames
that you want to use.
Answer: C
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